アーティスト / 香港城市大学クリエイティブ・メディア学科博士課程研究員 / 広島市立大学芸術学部専任講師
Artist / Doctoral Researcher at School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong / Full-time Lecturer at Faculty of Arts, Hiroshima City University
Aki Nagasaka is interested in learning the worldviews of humans and more-than human beings and wisdoms and skills contained in the communities they form through her personal encounters and collaborations. Using artistic media and storytelling, she tries to represent how we and the world we live in are generated by the dynamic relationships among myriad beings and entities 《Engi – dependent origination and arising 》.
Nagasaka received her Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Texas at Austin and her Meisterschüler in Fine Arts from the Städelschule, Staatliche Hochschule für Bildende Künste, in Frankfurt, and conducted one-year research in London, supported by the Cultural Agency of the Japanese government.
She is currently a doctoral researcher in the Department of Creative Media at City University of Hong Kong and conducting an art-practice-led research on the situated ecology in Hokkaido, supported by the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme and the Hokkaido University Cross Institutional Joint Research Program. She is also a full-time lecturer at the Faculty of Arts at Hiroshima City University and teaches and conducts research in the Contemporary Art and Theory section.
- Currently
- Based between Japan and Hong Kong
- 1980
- Born in Osaka, Japan
- 2005
- University of Texas at Austin, Bachelor of Fine Art
- 2006
- Center for Contemporary Art CCA Kitakyushu, Research Program
- 2012
- Staatliche Hochschule für Bildende Künste, Staedelschule Frankfurt, Meisterschueler
- 2012-13
- Japanese Cultural Ministry, Abroad Research Fellowship in London, UK
- 2020-
- City University of Hong Kong, School of Creative Media, PhD Candidate, funded by the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme
- 2023-
- Hiroshima City University, Faculty of Arts, Contemporary Art and Theory, Full-time lecturer
- 2005
- Lounge! - Arthouse at the Jones Center, Austin, U.S.A
- 2005
- Sprouts - Austin Museum of Art, Austin. U.S.A
- 2005
- Senior Studio Show - Creative Research Laboratory, Austin, U.S.A
- 2005
- once more with feeling - CCA Kitakyushu, Kitakyushu, Japan
- 2006
- Unseen Scene - Art Space Tetra, Hakata, Japan
- 2006
- Open Studio - CCA Kitakyushu, Kitakyushu, Japan
- 2007
- Yellow Labyrinth - Women & their Work, Austin, U.S.A
- 2008
- This is a circle...or? - Clockwork Gallery, Berlin, Germany
- 2008
- Dark Show - Wallis Gallery & Formcontent, London, UK
- 2008
- *project, potentially no one sees it, Part 1 - Bad Honnef, Germany
- 2008
- Sink the boat before it sails - BASIS, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
- 2009
- Stupid Generation - Kunst Project, Berlin, Germany
- 2009
- …and the Dark Show returns as a ghost. - Paradise Raw, London, UK
- 2009
- *project, potentially no one sees it, Part 2 - Schloss Zinzow, Zinzow, Germany
- 2009
- MENU - Savoy Cafe, London, UK
- 2010
- *project, potentially no one sees it, Part3 - Bad Homburg, Germany
- 2010
- Deconstruct + Reconstruction - Visual Art Center, Austin, U.S.A
- 2011
- Baby, I lost my handshoes… - Kurant Gallery, Tromso, Norway
- 2011
- When in Rome - Malta Contemporary Art, Valletta, Malta
- 2011
- KINEMASTIK International Short Film Festival - Valletta, Malta
- 2011
- *project, potentially no one sees it, Part 4 - IMMEDIATE TERRITORY, Oxford, UK
- 2011
- Übermorgenkünstler II - Heidelberger Kunstverein, Heidelberg, Germany
- 2012
- Baby, I lost my handshoes… - Forum da Maia, Maia, Portugal
- 2012
- Zauderberg - MMK Museums für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt, Germany
- 2012
- Baby, I lost my handshoes… - Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna, Austria
- 2013
- Signs Taken in Wonder - MAK Austrian Applied Arts / Contemporary Art, Vienna, Austria
- 2013
- Signs Taken in Wonder - Kunstverein Hannover, Hannover, Germany
- 2014
- Attention Economy - Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna, Austria
- 2014
- Between Art and Science - Naples, Italy and Burkina Faso
- 2014
- Poltroneria: A Exhibition toward a Film - Museo Apparente, Naples, Italy
- 2014
- Material and Mechanism - ACAC Aomori Contemporary Art Centre, Aomori, Japan
- 2015
- Poltroneria: Eating Out - Roberta, Frankfurt, Germany
- 2016
- Domani Plus : Worm Hole Travel - Kyoto Art Center, Kyoto, Japan
- 2017
- Enokojima Art Days 2017 : Other Ways - Flag Studio, Mark Studio and Enoco, Osaka, Japan
- 2017
- Quatro Elementos, Galeria Municipal do Porto, Porto, Portugal
- 2018
- INSIDE TÖPFERN, Ratskeller - Galerie für zeitgenössische Kunst, Berlin, Germany
- 2018
- To the Kamuy-Wakka, To the Spring of Eukaryotes, CAI02 Contemporary Art Institute, Sapporo, Japan
- 2019
- 大地の物語 (Land Story), 500m Museum, Sapporo, Japan
- 2019
- Foreshdows, Tokyo Arts and Space TOKAS Hongo, Tokyo, Japan
- 2019
- Ibasho - The place where I / we can be, Frappant Gallerie, Hamburg, Germany
- 2019
- 2019
- Trees: Audition for a Drama still to Happen, Gallery BIYONG POINT, Akita, Japan
- 2020
- HER/HISTORY, Jinsen Hall, Osaka, Japan
- 2020
- Sapporo Art: Goodbye Showa Building, CAI02 Contemporary Art Institute, Sapporo, Japan
- 2020
- Capital Fever, Corridor Project Space, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- 2020
- ARTS & ROUTES - あわいをたどる旅 - , Akita Museum of Modern Art, Akita, Japan
- 2021
- And the Ship Sails On: art. practice. research, JCCAC Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
- 2021
- 藻類の時間軸ー私たちの始まりへー / To Our Beginnings: Time Traveling through Algae, Hokkaido University Museum, Sapporo, Japan
- 2021
- Times of Crisis, Villa delle Rose - MAMbo Museum of Modern Art of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
- 2021
- Ethno-Remedies: Bedtime Stories ⇄ A Life's Manual In-progress Exhibition, Fusenkazua, Nara, Japan
- 2022
- 新しいエコロジーとアート / Art and New Ecology, Tokyo University of Arts Museum, Tokyo, Japan
- 2023
- Ethno-Remedies: Bedtime Stories ⇄ A Life's Manual, CAFE & BAR MIROKU TERRACE, Nara, Japan
- 2023
- 糸島芸農2023『共同体・共異体』/ Itoshima International Art Festival - Itoshima Arts Farm 2023, Itoshima, Fukuoka, Japan
- 2023
- 広島市立大学新任教員展 / Hiroshima City University New Faculty Exhibition, Hiroshima City University Art Museum, Hiroshima, Japan
- 2024
- 長坂有希:Living with Otherness / Aki Nagasaka: Living with Otherness, Moerenuma Park - Glass Pyramid, Sapporo, Japan
- 2024
- マイ・ガーデン / May Garden, My Temporal Eden, Sapporo Concert Hall Kitara Gallery, Sapporo, Japan
- 2024
- Encounters with Wanwu Practice Group: Mapping and Conversations, as a part of Small Acts / New Flows, PARA SITE, Hong Kong
- 2025
- 札幌美術展 マイ・ホーム / Home: How do you create your life and happiness?, Sapporo Art Museum, Sapporo, Japan
- 2025
- PART OF THE ANIMAL / 動物と人間のあいだ, The Life Deign Center Setagaya, Tokyo, Japan
- 2005-06
- CCA Kitakyushu - Center for Contemporary Art Kitakyushu, Research Program Residency
- 2009
- SIM - Icelandic Visual Art Association, Residency
- 2014
- ACAC Aomori Contemporary Art Centre, Artist in Residence
- 2016
- Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio, Residency
- 2018
- Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio, Residency
- 2018
- Tokyo Arts and Space Residency, International Creator Residency Program
- 2019
- Akita University of Art, as a part of the project / exhibition "Arts & Routes -あわいをたどる旅- "
- 2021
- MAMbo - Museum of Modern Art of Bologna, ROSE Residency Programme
- 2023-2025
- Tomakomai Experimental Forest, Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido University
- 2005
- University of Texas at Austin, Undergraduate Research Scholarship
- 2009
- Asahi-Newspaper Cultural Foundation, Art Grant
- 2009
- Japan Foundation, Cultural Exchange Grant
- 2010-2011
- Nomura Foundation, Art Grant
- 2011
- DAAD, Prize for The Outstanding Achievement for A Foreign Student
- 2012
- Japanese Cultural Ministry, Abroad Research Fellowship
- 2015
- Contemporary Art Foundation, Production Grant
- 2017
- Chishima Foundation for Creative Osaka, Creative Work Grant
- 2020 - 2024
- The Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS), Research Studentship
- 2021
- Nomura Foundation, Art Grant
- 2023
- The Hong Kong PhD Fellowship / City University of Hong Kong, Research Activities Fund
- 2024
- Harmonic Ito Foundation, Art and Culture Grant
- 2006
- CCA Research Program, Catalogue
- 2007
- Yellow Labyrinth, Exhibition Booklet
- 2008-10
- *project, potentially no one sees it Part 1, 2, 3, Project Booklets
- 2011
- IMMEDIATE TERRITORY, Exhibition Catalogue
- 2011
- Übermorgenkünstler II, Exhibition Booklet
- 2012
- Zauderberg, Art Book accompanying the exhibition
- 2012
- Monaco Magazine Issue 5&6, Art Magazine by Katie Guggenheim
- 2013
- Signs Taken in Wonder, Exhibition Catalogue
- 2014
- If on a winter's night a traveler, Self-punlished Project Booklet
- 2014
- Project T, T for Taut., Self-punlished Project Booklet
- 2015
- Rivista Apparente 8: POLTRONERIA (Fragments towards a film script), Art Book by Bianca Baldi and Ani Schulze
- 2015
- Material and Mechanism, Exhibition Catalogue
- 2017
- Other Ways, Exhibition Catalogue
- 2017
- Quatro Elementos, Exhibition Catalogue
- 2019
- Tokyo Arts and Space Annual Report 2018
- 2020
- Tanemaki @KCUA 07, Kyoto City University of Arts Gallery @KCUA Zine
- 2020
- Tokyo Arts and Space Annual Report 2019
- 2020
- Arts & Routes -あわいをたどる旅- Exhibition Travel Guide
- 2021
- 奈良県立大学CHIOSOU・2020年度記録集 / Nara Prefectural University CHISOU Program Archive 2020, Project Documentation
- 2021
- Wanwu Practice Group Zine "Multi/Species Encounters / 多物/種相遇"
- 2021
- 長坂有希:カムイワッカへ、そして私たちの始まりへ / Aki Nagasaka: To the Kamuy-Wakka, To the Spring of Eukaryotes, Project Documentation and Exhibition Catalogue
- 2021
- 藻類の時間軸ー私たちの始まりへー / To Our Beginnings: Time Traveling through Algae, Exhibition Catalogue (テキスト翻訳 / text translation )
- 2021
- Elisa Caldana and Aki Nagasaka: Times of Crisis, Art Book published for the Exhibition at MAMbo
- 2022
- 奈良県立大学「実践型アートマネジメント人材育成プログラム CHISOU」2021年度 記録集『超教育学としてのアートプロジェクト』/ Nara Prefectural University CHISOU Program Archive 2021 "Art Projects as Trans-pedagogy"
- 2023
- 奈良県立大学「実践型アートマネジメント人材育成プログラムCHISOU」2022年度記録集・地域創造としてのアートマネジメント / Art Management as Regional Development - Nara Prefectural University, Practice-based Art Management Learning Program CHISOU Annual Report 2022
- 2024
- 〈動物をえがく〉人類学–人はなぜ動物にひかれるのか、山口未花子編著 , 石倉敏明編著 , 盛口満編著、岩波書店
- 2025
- 札幌美術展 マイ・ホーム(仮)展覧会図録、札幌芸術の森美術館編集、中西出版株式会社 / Home: How do you create your life and hapiness? Exhibition Catalogue, edited by Sapporo Art Museum, published by Nakanishi Publishing Company
Workshop / Lecture
- 2014
- Artist Talk, Tokyo University of the Arts, Tokyo, Japan
- 2014
- Workshop for students in the art class , Aomori Chuo High School, Aomori, Japan
- 2016
- Storytelling Performance, 01_Angus, Flag Studio, Osaka, Japan
- 2016
- Artist Talk, To Listen to the Travel, Mark Studio, Osaka, Japan
- 2017
- Workshop for young artists, Feldstärke International 2017 as a part of Culture City of East Asia 2017, Changsha, China
- 2018
- Artist Talk, Art & Breakfast, Tenjinyama Art Studio, Sapporo, Japan
- 2018
- Artist Talk with Elisa Caldana, Artto World Vol.1: To Unknown Land, Artto, Tokyo, Japan
- 2018
- Artist Talk with Elisa Caldana, Henrik Naumann and Yoshitaka Mouri (Professor at Tokyo University of Arts), Heisei Era Crisis: Aesthetics before and after 1989, Tokyo Arts and Space, Tokyo, Japan
- 2018
- Artist Talk with Junji Yamamoto (Associate Professor at the Hokkaido University Museum) and Satoshi Hata (Director at CAI Contemporary Art Institute), CAI Contemporary Art Institute, Sapporo, Japan
- 2018
- Artist Talk, The journey started from a lion and continued towards a lighthouse, The Northern Alp Museum, Shiretoko-Shari, Japan
- 2019
- Artist Talk, Okago Junior Highschool, Hachijojima, Tokyo, Japan
- 2019
- Artist Talk with Hiroyuki Hattori (Independent Curator / Associate Professor at Akita University of Art), Gallery BIYONG POINT, Akita, Japan
- 2020
- Artist Talk with Shigeaki Iwai (artist), Eriko Mukai (artist), and Toshiaki Ishikura (anthropologist), Transboundary and Discovery: Tangent points where Masumi Sugae and contemporary art meet, Akita Museum of Modern Art, Akita, Japan
- 2020
- Artist Talk, Research Material Talk, CHISOU Lab, Nara Prefectural University
- 2021
- 「描かれた動物」の人類学研究会での発表、「制作を通して動物たちとつながりを持つことー彼らが同志、師、守護者になるときー」、オンライン / 国立民族学博物館
- 2021
- Visiting Artist Lecture in Contemporary Art Theory Course, Nara Prefectural University
- 2021
- Multi/Species Encounters 多物/種相遇 Round table discussion with Olga Timurgalieva, Chen Huang, Feixuan Xu, Ji Yun Park, Michael Leung, Mankun Liu, JCCAC Hong Kong and Online
- 2021
- Presentation at Conference "Critical Ecologies: Multiscalar Engagements", "Practice of Imagining Future Forests and Vegetation through an Ancient Buried Forest and Knowing the World by Committing to a Fixed Geographical Locality", Taipei/Online, Shared Campus and the Taipei National University of the Arts
- 2021
- Round Talk with Koji Yoshioka, Shinji Yoshioka (beekeepers), and Mikako Yamaguchi (anthropologist / associate professor at Hokkaido University) as a part of the work-in-progress exhibition "Ethno-Remedies: Bedtime Stories ⇄ A Life's Manual", CHISOU Program 2021, Fusenkazura, Nara, Japan
- 2021
- Artist Talk with Ryoko Nagaoka as a part of the work-in-progress exhibition "Ethno-Remedies: Bedtime Stories ⇄ A Life's Manual", CHISOU Program 2021, Fusenkazura, Nara, Japan
- 2022
- Ethnobotany Workshop with Chisato Maeda (ethnobotany researcher / Satoyama Library director), CHISOU Program 2022, Satoyama Library, Nara, Japan
- 2022
- Presentation by Atsushi Nishiyama (Buddhist art historian) and Group Discussion, CHISOU Program 2022, Nara Prefectural University
- 2022
- Brainstorming Session with Toshiaki Ishikura (anthropologist / associate professor at Akita University of Art), CHISOU Program 2022, Nara Prefectural University
- 2022
- Conversation with Chisato Maeda (ethnobotany researcher / Satoyama Library director), CHISOU Program 2022, Satoyama Library, Nara, Japan
- 2022
- Artist Talk and Conversation with Keijiro Suga (poet / professor at Meiji University) and Emi Nakamura (artist), Places, Arts, and Consciousness, Meiji University
- 2023
- Artist Talk with Ryoko Nagaoka (designer) and Toshiaki Ishikura (anthropologist / associate professor at Akita University of Art), CHISOU Program 2023, Nara Prefectural University
- 2023
- Sympoisum with Takahiro Iwasaki (artist / associate professor at Hiroshima City University) and Mitsuki Tomosada (artist / assistant professor at Hiroshima City University), New Faculty Exhibition, Hiroshima City University
- 2024
- Artist Talk with Hiroyuki Hattori (curator / associate professor at Tokyo University of Arts), as a part of Aki Nagasaka: Living with Otherness exhibition program, Moerenuma Park - Glass Pyramid
- 2024
- Gallery Tour and Conversation with Mikako Yamaguchi (animal anthropologist / professor at Hokkaido University), as a part of Aki Nagasaka: Living with Otherness exhibition program, Moerenuma Park - Glass Pyramid
- 2024
- Living with Otherness: Forest Listening and Story Telling Tour, as a part of the Science Cafe program series, Tomakomai Experimental Forest, Hokkaido University
- 2025
- Artist Talk, as a part of 札幌美術展 マイ・ホーム / Home: How do you create your life and happiness?, Sapporo Art Museum
- 2025
- Panel Talk "Conversation around Animals 2 - Umwelt of Each Being: We Are All Animals Together / 動物をめぐる対話2―それぞれの環世界、共に動物である私たち" with Toshiaki Ishikura (anthropoligist) and Keijiro Suga (poet), as a part of PART OF THE ANIMAL / 動物と人間のあいだ