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Collective Essays “Multi/Species Encounters / 多物/種相遇” by Wanwu Practice Group / 萬物實踐社

Multi/Species Encounters by Wanwu Practice Group / 多物/種相遇  萬物實踐社
An experimental zine produced for the exhibition And the Ship Sails On

Edition 1, June 2021
Printed in Hong Kong
Hong Kong: Self-published, 2021

Cover: Photograph by Feixuan XU
Design: Michael Leung

Sarah Huang, Michael Leung, Liu Mankun, Olga Timurgalieva, Feixuan Xu, Park Ji Yun, Aki Nagasaka

Multi/Species Encounters (English & Chinese) 

An excerpt text “Notes on Two Works in Akita Related to Trees and Forests” by Aki Nagasaka

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