森のツアーと朗読「Living with Otherness」@ 北海道大学苫小牧研究林 / Tour and Storytelling in the Forest “Living with Otherness” @ Tomakomai Experimental Forest, The Hokkaido University
2024年11月16日に北海道大学北方生物圏フィールド科学センターが主催しているサイエンスカフェに招聘いただき、「Living with Otherness」と題して苫小牧研究林でアートとサイエンスを行き来しながら森を巡るツアーを開催しました。苫小牧研究林が私の同タイトルの作品「Living with Otherness」を制作する際のリサーチ・活動フィールドであるという経緯から、当日は作品に登場する森のキャラクターである古い木々や湧水、火山が見える場所など、物語と関係が深い場所を巡り、そこで自然が作り出している音に耳を傾けたり、研究林のことを熟知する技術職員さんのお話を聞いたり、私の物語の朗読を聞いたりしながら秋が深まりつつある森で午後を過ごしました。
7. 森でとれたキハダの実を使って作られたパウンドケーキをと湧水で入れたハーブティーを飲食しながら、参加者と対話し、ツアーの振り返る。
写真:植竹淳 / 北海道大学苫小牧研究林
On November 16, 2024, I was invited to the Science Cafe organized by the Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido University, and gave a between art and science tour of the Tomakomai Experimental Forest titled “Living with Otherness”. The Tomakomai Experimental Forest was the research and work field for my same-titled artwork, “Living with Otherness,” therefore, we visited places closely related to the stories in the work, such as old trees, spring, and volcano. We spent the afternoon in the autumn forest, listening to the sounds that nature makes, to the stories of the technical staff who knows the experimental forest well, and to my reading of the stories.
〈Tour itinerary〉
1. listen to the sounds of the river, trees, and birds by the Horonai River, and listen to my reading of “Walk in the Rainy Forest”
2. climb up to the observation tower to listen to the sounds of the forest, wind, and birds from above, and listen to my reading of “Burning Mountain”
3. take water from the Horonai River spring, listen to a story about volcanoes and spring water, and observe an Amur cork tree
4. listen to the sounds of the forest by a large oak tree and listen to my reading of “The Oak Tree and Voices in the Wind”
5. listen to the sounds of the forest by a large red spruce tree and listen to my reading of “Fog, Volcano, and the Red Spruce Tree”
6. return to the Forest Memorial Hall and listen to my reading of “Dreams in the Winter Forest”
7. eat cake made with the Amur cork tree fruits from the forest and drink herb tea made with the spring water we took in the forest, while talking with participants and reflecting on the tour.
Photo: Jun Uetake / Hokkaido University Tomakomai Experimental Forest